Returns Policy

Bike Obsession Return Policy

We will refund or credit items that are -

  • Unused.
  • 'As new’ in appearance - no signs of wear, use, installation or damage
  • In original packaging, which is in perfect condition (including all tags still attached)
  • Being returned within 30 days from date of purchase

Please note: If you’re unsure as to whether your item meets these conditions for a refund, please Contact us before returning your item. If we receive an item for return that is not in perfect condition (e.g. tags removed, packaging damaged, showing signs of wear or use) we may decline the return or charge a restocking fee.

Damaged on arrival: If your order arrives faulty straight out of the box, please contact us at


We'll process your return as a refund

We’ll assess your item and process a refund back to your original payment method. We aim to do this within 5 business days of receiving the parcel.

You'll receive an email notifying you once it has been processed.

We’ll refund the price you paid for that particular item but note that we don’t refund any shipping costs originally charged.



We do not offer item-for-item exchanges.

To exchange an item, simply send your item back for a refund and place an order for the new/replacement item.